Morels and angel hair pasta make a great variation on the mac and cheese theme
Winter 2011 was the last time winter had such a fierce grip. That following spring I found more wild morel mushrooms than I ever have before or since. I never understood why people get so passionate about morels. When harvested and eaten fresh, morels are pleasant enough. But morels that have been dehydrated and then rehydrated have a rich, intense flavor that awakens every sensory experience. Now I understand why some mushroom lovers find eating morels more satisfying than sex.
Dried morels can be stored for years in air tight containers out of direct light.
Dried morels can be stored for years if you keep them in an air tight container and in a dark place, like the back of your pantry shelf.
This recipe has few ingredients because I like to let the morel be the star of the dish. You can certainly add any vegetables, spices or other ingredients that you want.
1 cup dehydrated morel mushrooms
liquid to cover morels, cream, broth, or water
1 medium onion, chopped
1/4 cup chopped garlic
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup hard cheese, like cheddar, shredded
8 oz angel hair pasta
Cooking oil, butter, or a combination
2 Hours Before:
Soak morels in the liquid of your choice
30 Minutes Before:
Chop onions and garlic
Shred cheese
20 Minutes Before
Sauté onions, then sauté garlic
Remove morels from liquid, drain, but save liquid
Put pasta water on to boil
10 Minutes Before
Chop morels
Beat eggs with saved liquid
Add morels, eggs and liquid to onions and garlic, stir thoroughly over low heat
5 Minutes Before
Drain pasta and add to the other ingredients, stir thoroughly over low heat
Sprinkle shredded cheese over the top, cover, turn off heat, let cheese melt
Shopping List
Dried morels if you do not have them
Angel hair pasta
Hard cheese, like cheddar
Cream or broth
Cooling oil and/or butter
Skillet, preferably cast iron
Large pot for boiling pasta
Cheese grater